The Adult's Learning Projects: A Fresh Approach To Theory and Practice in Adult Learning. Allen Tough. Toronto, Canada: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1971. 191 pp. $4.00 (paper). Roy J. Ingham Are They Ever Too Old To Learn? Huey B. Long and Curtis Ulmer. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Publishers, 1971. 48 pp. $3.75. P. J. Bergeaux Challenge and Perspective in Higher Education. Francis H. Horn. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 224 pp. $8.95. W. Hugh Stickler Planning for Innovation: Through Dissemination and Utilization of Knowledge. Ronald G. Havelock. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Universty of Michigan Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, Institute for Social Research, 1971. 533 pp. $8.00 (paper). Patrick G. Boyle
Recommended Citation
Extension, J. (1972). Book Reviews. The Journal of Extension, 10(3), Article 20. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol10/iss3/20