Breakthrough: Women into Management. Rosalind Loring and Theodora Wells. New York, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972. 202 pp. $7.95. Charles O. Jones How To Plan Meetings Like a Professional. Coleman Finkel. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: SM/Sales Meetings Magazine, 1972. 109 pp. $5.00 (paper). Samuel E. Hand Leadership Development for Public Service. Barry A. Passett. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company, 1971. 135 pp. $7.95. Robert W. McCormick Parent Education. Evelyn Pickarts and Jean Fargo. New York, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971. 311 pp. No price given. Norejane J. Hendrickson The People Dynamic: Changing Self and Society Through Growth Groups. Howard J. Clinebell, Jr. New York, New York: Harper & Row, 1972. 176 pp. $4.95. Jim Bromley
Recommended Citation
Jones, C. O., Hand, S. E., McCormick, R. E., & Hendrickson, N. J. (1973). Book Reviews. The Journal of Extension, 11(3), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol11/iss3/13