A Juvenile Diversion Alternative
The county agent received Ohio 4-H Foundation money to pilot a Juvenile Diversion Alternative. Ohio Extension offices that currently, or in the past, offered Juvenile Diversion programs were surveyed. The County Juvenile Judge asked Extension about programming available for first time offenders. A program was piloted in March, 1995, serving as one mediation level choice for juvenile court use. The five-session program was presented to 10 first-time offenders ages 11-15. Program planning, teaching, and evaluation was a collaboration of Ohio State Extension and Geauga County Juvenile Court staff. Strengths of the program include: an in-county-accessible program, hands-on approach, multi-agency and parent involvement, use of tested resources, including goal setting and evaluation.
Recommended Citation
Hitchcock, R. (1996). A Juvenile Diversion Alternative. The Journal of Extension, 34(2), Article 11. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol34/iss2/11