Drawings as a Method of Program Evaluation and Communication with School-Age Children
This paper presents a projective drawing activity developed to incorporate children's perceptions into program evaluation. The activity is being used as part of a five-year, multi-modal evaluation of a school-age child care program that includes qualitative and quantitative components. This school-age educational program targets low income at-risk children and their families to prevent early school drop-out and sexual activity, violent behavior, and drug and alcohol abuse. The curriculum focuses on promoting school involvement, and enhancing conflict resolution, self-responsibility and communication skills. Implications of the drawing activity for Extension specialists are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Evans, W., & Reilly, J. (1996). Drawings as a Method of Program Evaluation and Communication with School-Age Children. The Journal of Extension, 34(6), Article 3. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol34/iss6/3