Teen Safety Docu-Drama
Teen Safety Docu-Dramas have been initiated in several Ohio counties in response to growing concern of youth traffic safety. Students from local high schools assemble in a central location to witness a dynamic and life-like "mock crash," complete with make-up and costumes, emergency response units, and life flight. Collaborative groups of Extension staff and other key community leaders work together with over 100 professionals and volunteers to plan, organize, and conduct the event for audiences of 1000 to 1700 students. Ohio State Patrol statistics in two counties show a decrease in fatalities and fewer alcohol-related accidents among 16-19 year olds.
Recommended Citation
Brahm, B. A., Collins, R. H., & Villard, J. (1996). Teen Safety Docu-Drama. The Journal of Extension, 34(6), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol34/iss6/9