A group of Tennessee farmers indicated that they would benefit from downloadable digitized soil maps and university precision farming training programs for themselves, agricultural laborers, and agribusiness personnel. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture is interested in knowing where in Tennessee to allocate its scarce resources to enhance precision farming programs. Data from a survey of Extension Agents and the Census of Agriculture were use to develop five Logit regression models to estimate the probabilities of precision farming technology use in Tennessee's 95 counties. Counties with estimated probabilities greater than 0.5 would be good candidates for precision farming programs.
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Recommended Citation
Roberts, R. K., English, B. C., & Larson, J. A. (2002). Factors Affecting the Location of Precision Farming Technology Adoption in Tennessee. The Journal of Extension, 40(1), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss1/12