In the state of Washington, there is a combination of aggressive and innovative technical assistance and educational programs to promote sound management practices in rural/urban interface forests. The Backyard Forest Stewardship/Wildfire Safety Program integrates a variety of available information to provide rural/urban landowners with the tools necessary to protect their property, while still allowing them to meet many of their forest management objectives. The program helps landowners better manage their properties by promoting fire safety, the protection of water resources, and improvements to wildlife and fish habitat.
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Recommended Citation
Creighton, J. H., Baumgartner, D. M., & Gibbs, S. D. (2002). Fire Prevention in the Rural/Urban Interface: Washington's Backyard Forest Stewardship/Wildfire Safety Program. The Journal of Extension, 40(2), Article 20. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss2/20