Continuing professional development for employees is critical to meet the demands and expectations of the evolving workplace. In the search for career fulfillment, individuals may no longer plan to spend their entire work lives in one organization. Maximizing an individual's career potential to enhance the success of the organization calls for a systems approach in career development. Systems approaches are implemented in a manner that enables the individual to enter and exit the model at the most appropriate point. This article provides an overview of the professional development model in a systems context used by Ohio State University Extension and its application in changing organizations.
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Kutilek, L. M., Gunderson, G. J., & Conklin, N. L. (2002). A Systems Approach: Maximizing Individual Career Potential and Organizational Success. The Journal of Extension, 40(2), Article 3. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss2/3