This article discusses a study documenting the beliefs about proactive change among volunteers and Extension staff who develop policy for local Indiana 4-H Programs. Data analysis indicated that volunteers believe in the core values of the 4-H Program; recommend that the 4-H Program should reach more and different youth; and believe that the program's rural image inhibits progress in these areas. Staff interactions with volunteers, lack of parental involvement, policy-making group organization and structure, and youth representation were cited as barriers to a more open, inclusive organization. The article makes recommendations based on the study's findings and suggests topics for further research.
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Recommended Citation
McKee, R. K., Talbert, B., & Barkman, S. J. (2002). The Challenges Associated with Change in 4-H/Youth Development. The Journal of Extension, 40(2), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss2/7