Year 2001 shortages and price increase of wood animal bedding have prompted research in alternative materials. A 1995 NJ survey assessed the use of bedding materials, management practices, and paper as a bedding choice. The survey evaluated bedding use, housing, labor, costs, risks, and interest in and experience using paper. Of the 13% responding, 94% used bedding, but of them 67% never used paper. Much of the concerns with paper were dust related. The primary determinants of bedding material choice are absorbency and the ability to keep animals clean and dry. Respondents indicated that they consider paper bedding only if it is economical and available in a ready-to-use form.
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Recommended Citation
Ward, P. L., & Wohlt, J. E. (2002). Preferences, Perceptions, and Risks Associated with Animal Bedding Materials.. The Journal of Extension, 40(3), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss3/13