While volunteers are needed for youth development programs, it is imperative that a sound selection process is in place so that the most appropriate individuals are selected to work with young people. The article outlines the results of a research project undertaken to describe the current use of volunteer selection tools with the Ohio 4-H Youth Development program. The authors describe the level of use of specific selection tools and the extent to which specific volunteers are screened prior to placement. The authors offer recommendations and implications applicable to any Extension program using volunteers to deliver programs to vulnerable audiences.
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Recommended Citation
McNeely, N. N., Schmiesing, R. J., King, J., & Kleon, S. (2002). Ohio 4-H Youth Development Extension Agents' Use of Volunteer Screening Tools. The Journal of Extension, 40(4), Article 10. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss4/10