This article presents the results of a survey designed to measure the perceived effectiveness of Dairy Option Pilot Program (DOPP) training. A pre- and post-training survey was used to see if the training increases a dairy farmer's perceived knowledge and understanding of put options. Because the Risk Management Agency is expanding dairy risk management, evaluations are needed to measure the potential success of these programs. Survey results show the training significantly increased the farmers' reported comfort level and understanding. The majority of farmers reported intentions to buy options to control risk. Undetermined, however, is whether dairy farmers will consider options after the DOPP program ends.
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Recommended Citation
Ibendahl, G., Maynard, L., & Branstetter, A. (2002). Measuring the Perceived Effectiveness of Training for the Dairy Option Pilot Program. The Journal of Extension, 40(6), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss6/12