Technological advances have continued to improve the cleaning and water efficiency of automatic dishwashers. However, research indicates consumers waste water and energy during the dishwashing process through their actions and decisions. To gain more current information on consumer dishwasher usage, a major university conducted a kitchen usage study that asked questions about dishwashing. The study found that consumers use water unnecessarily by pre-rinsing dishes at the sink before placing them into the dishwasher. Numerous factors underlie this behavior. It seems clear that consumer education about proper dishwashing procedures is needed.
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Recommended Citation
Emmel, J. M., Parrott, K., & Beamish, J. (2003). Dishwashing and Water Conservation: An Opportunity for Environmental Education. The Journal of Extension, 41(1), Article 10. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss1/10