A sample of food service managers were surveyed regarding the value they placed on food safety training: whether they would provide higher pay or bonuses for trained new workers or pay a fixed amount for current employee training. They were also asked how important public image was to their business. Approximately 72% indicated they would be more likely to hire food safety trained workers, and 50% would be willing to pay higher wages to those trained. Finally, given tight labor supplies for this sector, 93% were willing to hire trained Welfare-to-Work participants. However, other barriers to hiring these participants remain.
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Recommended Citation
Hine, S., Thilmany, D., Kendall, P., & Smith, K. (2003). Employees and Food Safety: Is Training Important to Food Service Managers?. The Journal of Extension, 41(1), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss1/8