While camp participation has been found to positively affect youth, statewide 4-H camp evaluation is often difficult because camps are conducted at many different sites over a large geographical area and far away from their land-grant university. In cooperation with six regional Virginia 4-H educational centers, the State 4-H Office implemented a standardized evaluation process to identify 4-H camping outcomes. Camper and parent/guardian surveys identified multiple life skill benefits as a result of 4-H camp participation. Additionally, the study provided further support that collaboration between university faculty and field staff is a powerful tool for Extension programming.
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Recommended Citation
Garst, B. A., & Bruce, F. (2003). Identifying 4-H Camping Outcomes Using a Standardized Evaluation Process Across Multiple 4-H Educational Centers. The Journal of Extension, 41(3), Article 11. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss3/11