An evaluative survey of 45 Extension agents and 59 state forestry agency staff in Florida 1 year after a joint in-service training provides insight into the program needs for both groups as they develop public education programs on wildland fire. Results analyzed three primary barriers to program implementation: educational, logistical, and attitudinal, providing insight into the needs for both groups as they develop public education programs. Providing a toolkit of materials and resources reduces logistical and educational barriers and assists agents with program delivery in a new topic area. Supervisor support may be key to reducing additional barriers that agents perceive.
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Recommended Citation
Monroe, M. C., Jacobson, S. K., & Bowers, A. (2003). Partnerships for Natural Resource Education: Differing Program Needs and Perspectives of Extension Agents and State Agency Staff. The Journal of Extension, 41(3), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss3/5