Rediscovering the Potential of In-Depth Training for Extension Educators
In exploring in-service training methods, Extension shouldn't forget the potential of in-depth, face-to-face in-service training for facilitating the integration and application of more complex knowledge and skills. The Florida Innovators Program (FIP) is a 2-year professional development program for Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H agents during which participants develop a program for at-risk audiences. After program workshops, agents implement their projects with the help of a seed grant and evaluate and report on the results. Evaluation indicates that FIP's approach is building the participants' capacity to implement community-based programs and highlights program characteristics that enhance the value of face-to-face in-service training.
Recommended Citation
Ferrer, M., Fugate, A. M., Perkins, D. F., & Easton, J. (2004). Rediscovering the Potential of In-Depth Training for Extension Educators. The Journal of Extension, 42(1), Article 17.