4-H Site-Based Youth Development Programs: Reaching Underserved Youth in Targeted Communities
The very youth in most need of programs are often left outside the programming circle. Reaching underserved youth is the impetus behind this article. The purpose is two-fold: a) to discuss the reasons why many youth programs fall short in reaching underserved youth and to offer practice-oriented recommendations and b) to describe the site-based youth development program--an innovative delivery method--and its effectiveness. Sources of data include summative and formative program evaluations from Urban 4-H Youth Development programs in Minnesota and supporting secondary research.
Recommended Citation
Skuza, J. A. (2004). 4-H Site-Based Youth Development Programs: Reaching Underserved Youth in Targeted Communities. The Journal of Extension, 42(1), Article 18. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss1/18