Leadership Styles of Agricultural Communications and Information Technology Managers: What Does the Competing Values Framework Tell Us About Them?
The study described here compared the leadership styles of managers of agricultural communications, information technology, and combined units among USDA-CSREES state partners. A Web-based survey was used to collect data from 94 managers in 48 states and USDA-CSREES. The survey collected demographic information and also included the Competing Values Instrument: Self-Assessment, which was used to measure leaders in eight manager roles. Conclusions from the study include: 1) managers are more similar in their styles than dissimilar, 2) managers can benefit from training to strengthen and balance their skills, and 3) state partners can diversify and improve their leadership by including more women.
Recommended Citation
Parker, K. L. (2004). Leadership Styles of Agricultural Communications and Information Technology Managers: What Does the Competing Values Framework Tell Us About Them?. The Journal of Extension, 42(1), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss1/4