The increasing emphasis on evaluation suggests that Extension programs should use the most effective tools to measure impact. The project reported here used a retrospective survey to: compare the retrospective survey and pre/post survey in the number of incomplete responses and monitor participant changes in nutrition, food safety, and resource management behaviors in a Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) program. Results indicated that the pre-post survey yielded incomplete data, with 16% of questions unanswered, while 100% of questions were answered on the retrospective survey. All self-reported nutrition, food safety, and resource management behaviors significantly increased.
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Recommended Citation
Raidl, M., Johnson, S., Gardiner, K., & Denham, M. (2004). Use Retrospective Surveys to Obtain Complete Data Sets and Measure Impact in Extension Programs. The Journal of Extension, 42(2), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss2/13