The study discussed here examined the demonstration of leadership life skills by former State 4-H Council members. A purposive and snowball sampling technique was used to identify former council members. Traditional qualitative research methodologies were used to collect and triangulate data. The major finding was that State 4-H Council members demonstrated a command of the seven leadership life skill categories. Recommendations include developing a training method to expand the council members' decision-making abilities and the opportunities for them to develop as a group, implement training in personality types and working with different types, and employ new ways of improving communication.
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Recommended Citation
Bruce, J. A., Boyd, B. L., & Dooley, K. E. (2004). Leadership Life Skills Demonstrated by State 4-H Council Members. The Journal of Extension, 42(5), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss5/9