A study was conducted in Idaho to determine the impact of the 4-H animal judging program on the life skills of former participants and how judging influenced their lives. The results of the study show that the judging program has affected the development of animal industry knowledge and is at least moderately influential on the development of communication, decision-making, problem solving, self-discipline, self-motivation, teamwork, and organization. All these skills have been recognized as beneficial life skills associated with workforce preparedness. Over 97% of the judging alumni indicated that the Idaho 4-H judging experience positively influenced their personal success.
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Recommended Citation
Nash, S. A., & Sant, L. L. (2005). Life-Skill Development Found in 4-H Animal Judging. The Journal of Extension, 43(2), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss2/14