Spicing up 4-H teen public speaking can be accomplished through multiple intelligences (MI) approaches. Innovative introductions, visual imagery, and metaphor used with an MI lens strengthened Speak-Up programs for 4-H Ambassadors. The metaphor of chili peppers enabled youth to focus on five major speech components: the aroma (title), hot spice (opening), hot sauce (central idea), meat and potatoes (body), and then adding more hot sauce (conclusion). The pepper theme was built into the entire program (growing, cooking, cleaning, decorating, cultural aspects, history, etc.). MI enabled teens to make new friends, gain confidence, learn leadership, and overcome fears in public presentations.
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Laughlin, K., Peutz, J., & Cheldelin, K. (2005). Spicing up 4-H Teen Public Speaking with Multiple Intelligence Approaches. The Journal of Extension, 43(2), Article 25. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss2/25