The University of Connecticut has long used geospatial information as a component of its Extension programs on land use policy. In recent years, increased use of remote sensing and geographic information systems has created a "technology gap," as sources of data outpace the ability of many communities to make use of it. The NEMO program has developed several Web sites that attempt to bridge this gap. Connecticut's Changing Landscape uses a range of approaches to disseminate information to audiences of varying geospatial sophistication. These techniques help Extension to serve a broader audience and also strengthen the ties between research and outreach.
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Recommended Citation
Rozum, J. S., Wilson, E., & Arnold, C. (2005). Strengthening Integration of Land Use Research and Outreach Through Innovative Web Technology. The Journal of Extension, 43(5), Article 19. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss5/19