Advances in technology are changing how people access data. We are living in an Internet Revolution that will have major impacts on the lives of people. Personal computers (PCs) are the front-runners; they serve as a lifeline for some and a vital household tool for others. In many ways, however, the emerging technology is compelling Extension practitioners to compete with private enterprise and other educational institutions. Unlike synchronous and site-based learning, people can use e-learning tools wherever they are "24/7" year round. Among other things, the products can be "edutaining" for many learners.
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Recommended Citation
Williamson, R. D., & Smoak, E. P. (2005). Embracing Edutainment with Interactive E-Learning Tools. The Journal of Extension, 43(5), Article 20. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss5/20