Exotic pests can unknowingly be transported into your community and cause ecological and economic harm. A plan of action for Extension educators confronted by an exotic pest invasion could help minimize the threat. The plan includes: Define the threat, Identify the pest, Enact emergency programming, Ensure technical readiness, Disseminate information, Facilitate community meetings, Communicate with officials, Know the law, Do local research, and Keep a positive attitude. Wood County, Ohio Extension shares how they have followed this action plan against an Emerald Ash Borer invasion. This plan can be adapted by Extension educators to battle other invasive pests.
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Recommended Citation
Sundermeier, A. (2005). Exotic Pest Invasion--Plan of Action for Extension Educators. The Journal of Extension, 43(5), Article 27. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss5/27