Extension agents must become proficient volunteer recruiters. The 2003 Kentucky Volunteer Administration Academy developed a volunteer recruitment packet as a tool to be used by Extension professionals, staff, and volunteers. The recruitment packet includes major components that introduce Extension to potential volunteers. Thirteen customized volunteer recruitment packets were developed based upon programmatic need and request frequency. Additional packets can be developed based upon the needs of the program and volunteers. Recruitment packets have been distributed and used in a variety of ways that extend recruitment and marketing efforts to volunteers who are engaged and supervised by the agent.
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Recommended Citation
Culp, K., Aldenderfer, A. E., Allen, L. A., & Fannin-Holliday, S. G. (2006). Volunteer Recruitment Packets: Tools for Expanding Volunteer Involvement. The Journal of Extension, 44(1), Article 27. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss1/27