This article describes major aspects of mentoring programs being conducted currently by state Extension systems to support county 4-H Youth Development professionals. NAE4-HA Mentoring Task Force members developed a quantitative research methodology using a Web-based survey and census of State 4-H Leaders as of September 1, 2003, to collect data. Thirty-four respondents reported having some type of county 4-H mentoring program, including 12 reporting a formal program and 22 an informal program. However, a consistent, Web-based national 4-H professional development mentoring curriculum would better benefit county 4-H professionals and state 4-H programs in the U.S. and globally.
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Recommended Citation
Safrit, R. (2006). Revisiting State 4-H Mentoring Programs for County 4-H Professionals. The Journal of Extension, 44(1), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss1/8