Does 4-H make an impact on the civic engagement of adults? If so, do former 4-H members view the impact as being greater than that of other programming? This article describes perceptions of former 4-H Key Club members regarding the application of "giving" life skills preparation on their civic engagement. The impact of youth organizations on acquisition of "giving" life skills is also described. Participants "agreed" they were applying "giving" life skills acquired through 4-H, and that those experiences had a "major" impact on their civic engagement. It is recommended that "giving" life skills programming be continued.
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Recommended Citation
Pennington, P., & Edwards, M. (2006). Former 4-H Key Club Members' Perceptions of the Impact of "Giving" Life Skills Preparation on Their Civic Engagement. The Journal of Extension, 44(1), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss1/9