The purpose of the study reported here was to assess the level of satisfaction/perceptions of University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service livestock clientele. The conclusions indicated: (1) traditional producers had a higher level of satisfaction than non-traditional producers, (2) clientele did not perceive a difference in single-county or multi-county programming, (3) the program was beneficial, and (4) opportunity exists to increase clientele. The recommendations were: (1) maintain present educational course, but also seek other programming avenues, (2) assess perceptions of non-user clientele, (3) increase the information available to non-traditional producers, and (4) increase awareness of educational opportunities.
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Recommended Citation
Schafer, S. R. (2006). Clientele Perceptions of the University of the Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Livestock Program. The Journal of Extension, 44(2), Article 17. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss2/17