Spotted knapweed has invaded a number of habitats, and some of those habitats have restrictions on the tools used for control. An experiment was designed to examine the effects of grazing spotted knapweed with goats. The study explored the utilization of spotted knapweed by goats, the effects on plant cover, plant counts, and seed head production. Three years of study determined that goats would consume spotted knapweed, reducing plant cover, plant density, and seed head production. An extensive education outreach program has assisted with adaptation and recognition of goat grazing as a viable tool for noxious weed control.
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Recommended Citation
Williams, S., & Prather, T. (2006). Goats: A Tool for Controlling Spotted Knapweed. The Journal of Extension, 44(5), Article 15. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss5/15