Increasing environmental regulatory pressure on agriculture is stimulating increased attention to integrated farming systems and more participatory forms of Extension. Agro-environmental partnerships, which have become the primary strategy for agricultural pollution prevention strategies in California, demonstrate the potential of alternative pest management strategies. We argue that the organizational structure of these partnerships, which facilitates co-learning strategies and greater participation, has been key to their success. The shift from a "transfer of technology" model to participatory co-learning and decision-making making support could improve Extension's service delivery and serve as an important strategy for Extension to engage a broader client constituency.
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Recommended Citation
Getz, C., & Warner, K. D. (2006). Integrated Farming Systems and Pollution Prevention Initiatives Stimulate Co-Learning Extension Strategies. The Journal of Extension, 44(5), Article 6. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss5/6