Many opportunities exist for conducting stateside professional improvement workshops to train Extension professionals from developing countries. To conduct a successful workshop it is important to understand the needs of the partner country and identify participants who can use their workshop training to address those needs. An effective workshop will have high-quality field trips, practical classroom instruction, and opportunities for cultural exchange. Pre-workshop planning and close attention to logistical issues are essential to the success of the workshop. Good evaluation of the workshop is important to measure the impacts of the workshop and provide input for improving future workshops.
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Recommended Citation
Hanson, J. C., Johnson, D. M., Miller, R. J., & Adams, D. C. (2006). Training Extension Professionals from Developing Countries Through Educational Workshops Conducted in the United States. The Journal of Extension, 44(5), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss5/8