Harnett County has one of the fastest growing populations of families with children ages birth to 5 among rural counties in North Carolina. Collaborative partnerships have addressed this emerging need through the creation of Cooperative Extension's Child Care Resource and Referral Program. This progressive, educational effort meets the unique needs of Harnett County families through six initiatives: comprehensive training; referral line; child care data base; resource library; development of new child care; and newsletters. Results include 11,033 providers trained, 4,707 new child care spaces created, and 81 family child care homes increasing quality indicators.
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Recommended Citation
Hardison, W. J., & Behnke, A. O. (2007). Creative Solutions for Emerging Child Care Needs. The Journal of Extension, 45(1), Article 19. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss1/19