Producers in two regions of Virginia (Chesapeake Bay basin and Southern Rivers region) were surveyed to compare farming practices and agricultural best management practice (BMP) adoption. Objectives were to assess farming operations and determine the extent of cost-share and non-cost-share BMP implementation and gain insight into the impact of selected socioeconomic factors on the BMP adoption. Although farming characteristics and producer attitudes toward pollution and water quality were similar, BMP implementation differed between the two regions. Differences in BMP implementation may be due to a more focused, longer-term NPS pollution control educational effort in the Bay basin.
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Recommended Citation
Benham, B., Braccia, A., Mostaghimi, S., & Lowery, J. (2007). Comparison of Best Management Practice Adoption Between Virginia's Chesapeake Bay Basin and Southern Rivers Watersheds. The Journal of Extension, 45(2), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss2/12