The study reported here sought to determine how California Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNE) educators are implementing learner-centered approaches. We e-mailed a brief survey to all FSNE educators in California in 2004 (n=67; 69% responded). Most educators felt they were doing "okay" or "very well" in implementing learner-centered techniques. Techniques used less successfully included ground rules, icebreakers, partner activities, and goal setting. Focus group participants (n=15) have tried learner-centered techniques, although not all are universally successful. Learner-centered education requires advanced preparation to implement successfully; educators may need to be more assertive with agencies to achieve results.
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Recommended Citation
Kaiser, L., McMurdo, T., & Joy, A. B. (2007). The Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program Focuses on the Learner. The Journal of Extension, 45(2), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss2/14