Switchgrass has been identified as a model renewable energy feedstock. This article describes a project to evaluate the feasibility of producing a switchgrass crop in Tennessee dedicated to energy production. An unusual feature of this research/demonstration project is its use of a competitive bidding process to elicit estimates of the willingness of Tennessee producers to displace traditional crops with switchgrass. One goal of this process was to supplement survey data with "real world" information that would increase the credibility of the project's results among potential market participants. This approach may prove interesting to readers faced with dwindling experiment station resources.
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Recommended Citation
Clark, C. D., English, B. C., & Garland, C. D. (2007). Competitive Bidding as a Means of Extracting and Demonstrating Farmer Willingness-to-Grow an Alternative Crop. The Journal of Extension, 45(2), Article 21. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss2/21