Extensionists throughout the world often share ideas and experiences. Learning what works and what doesn't from practicing Extensionists is a common feature of conferences, symposia, and workshops. In 2003 an international conference of Extensionists held in Troutdale, Oregon, led to a compilation of seven "successful strategies" related to Extensionists. A follow-up survey of 500 Extensionists from 70 countries revealed that most of these strategies are used often or sometimes, from 53 to 88%. Only one strategy showed significant difference between regions of the world, and this strategy related to Extensionists being members of a professional society or association.
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Recommended Citation
Johnson, J. E., Creighton, J. H., & Norland, E. R. (2007). An International Perspective on Successful Strategies in Forestry Extension: A Focus on Extensionists. The Journal of Extension, 45(2), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss2/9