When a teenager becomes a parent, what type of family living arrangements best support her parenting competence? Conventional wisdom suggests that the mother's family of origin would be the best arrangement, but contemporary adolescents do their parenting in a variety of situations. Results from the study reported here, examining mothers living in three different types of arrangements, suggest that living with a parenting partner of the same generational age as the mother supports more positive parenting attitudes. A strengths-based, youth development approach to parenting education for adolescents is discussed in which the interpersonal context of adolescent parenting is explicitly addressed.
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Abell, E., Moates, K. D., & Guarino, A. (2007). Implications of Co-Residential Status for Parenting Programs Targeting Adolescent Mothers. The Journal of Extension, 45(3), Article 16. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss3/16