Asian soybean rust is a serious soybean leaf disease not yet discovered in Iowa. There are common soybean leaf diseases that may be confused with Asian soybean rust. To achieve accurate and prompt identification of Asian soybean rust throughout the state, the Iowa Soybean Rust Fast Track system was created. This unique system makes use of hundreds of private agricultural professionals throughout Iowa and 40 Iowa State University Extension field personnel to filter out suspected soybean rust samples that are common soybean leaf diseases, thereby ensuring that the ISU Plant Disease clinic is not inundated with minor diseases of soybean.
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Recommended Citation
Robertson, A., & Tylka, G. L. (2007). Building the "Rust Fast Track System" for Identifying Asian Soybean Rust in Iowa. The Journal of Extension, 45(3), Article 23. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss3/23