Extension educators seek to facilitate change among their clientele through educational programs. However, some programs are more effective than others. In this study, a half-day trainers program in dairy quality assurance moved individuals from one stage of learning to another (evaluation to learning or to gaining experience). However, the addition of a single follow-up reminder and additional materials to help trainers teach more effectively did not result in greater use of the program materials to instruct dairy producers. Somewhere between a single reminder and multiple interventions lies a useful compromise to ensure adoption of training messages and taking action.
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Recommended Citation
Moore, D. A., Truscott, M. L., Kirk, J., & Klingborg, D. J. (2007). Does Adding an Extra Educational Intervention Add Value? The DairyBeef Train-the-Trainers Program. The Journal of Extension, 45(3), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss3/8