Generating statewide impact data from Extension programs can be challenging. To streamline reporting, Extension specialists, with the help of county agents and administrators, generated a statewide impact statement for the ServSafe™ program in Virginia. This template includes knowledge gain, behavior change, and economic impact from participants generated from current standardized evaluation methods used by all Extension educators across the state. Providing this template for agents resulted in easier, more consistent yearly reporting for those agents administering the program.
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Recommended Citation
Boyer, R., Benson, M. C., Boyd, H. H., Forrester, M., Franz, N., Gehrt, K., Pelland, P., & Roan, K. (2009). Enhancing Accountability: ServSafe™ Impact Template Delivers. The Journal of Extension, 47(3), Article 20. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss3/20