The study reported here evaluated outcomes of the Missouri Master Naturalist Program. We developed a pre-test/post-test/follow-up format to determine if, after the program training, volunteers increased knowledge of key ecological, natural resources, and conservation concepts and issues. We also identified volunteers' motivations for participation in the program and compared their motivation scores with changes in their knowledge scores. Volunteers' knowledge scores increased (P ≤ 0.05) following the training and were maintained 6 months after training. Volunteers ranked values/altruism as important motivations for participating. There was no relationship between volunteers' motivation scores and changes in knowledge scores.
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Recommended Citation
Broun, C. N., Nilon, C. H., & Pierce, R. A. (2009). An Evaluation of the Missouri Master Naturalist Program and Implications for Program Expansion. The Journal of Extension, 47(3), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss3/5