Compensating producers through conservation programs for best management practice (BMP) adoption has had notable success to date; however, there are still many producers that choose not to participate in conservation programs and/or decide not to implement BMPs. How can Extension professionals and conservationists better promote and encourage BMP adoption and conservation program participation? This paper offers insight into methods, results, and lessons learned from an innovative watershed approach piloted in an east-central Kansas watershed with a focus on providing guidance to other Extension professionals interested in conducting a similar type of project.
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Recommended Citation
Smith, C. M., Nejadhashemi, A. P., & Leatherman, J. C. (2009). Using a BMP Auction as a Tool for the Implementation of Conservation Practices. The Journal of Extension, 47(4), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss4/7