Developing an Innovative Team Approach to Address a Newly Introduced Disease of Soybeans in the United States
Asian soybean rust (ASR) was first detected in the continental United States in 2004. In response to this threat the Alabama Cooperative Extension System Field Crops Team developed an innovative approach to minimize losses from this new disease. The approach combined standard Extension methods with a statewide disease monitoring system combined with a national Web-based information network. The system allowed growers to apply fungicides only when necessary to prevent losses from ASR. In 2006 it was estimated that the program saved soybean farmers in Alabama over $2.5 million in fungicide costs. The program resulted in similar cost savings in 2007.
Recommended Citation
Silkora, E. J., Delaney, D. P., & Delaney, M. A. (2009). Developing an Innovative Team Approach to Address a Newly Introduced Disease of Soybeans in the United States. The Journal of Extension, 47(5), Article 36.