Small-acreage landowners are a challenging audience for Extension because they can differ from traditional clientele in knowledge levels, management goals, and information use. To reach this growing audience, it is important to understand the information-use patterns and delivery preferences of this clientele. We surveyed small-acreage owners in four Utah locations chosen to represent a range of physical environments, exurban growth patterns, and land-use histories. While response patterns differed among regions, most respondents relied on social contacts for information more than on Extension. In contrast to previous studies, they showed a strong preference for Web-based information.
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Recommended Citation
Brunson, M., & Price, E. A. (2009). Information Use and Delivery Preferences Among Small-Acreage Owners in Areas of Rapid Exurban Population Growth. The Journal of Extension, 47(5), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss5/4