Renewed interest in growing and purchasing locally grown foods quadrupled requests for food preservation classes. Economic times tightened budgets, decreasing staffing levels of Extension educators. Offering options via the Internet was a natural progression to meet the increased demand. Extension educators created 20 5-minute online video-like Food Preservation Mini-Modules (http://www1.extension.umn.edu/food-safety/preserving/modules/). Over 10,000 home preservers have viewed the online modules. One hundred percent of the participants indicate use of this Internet technology was a good way to receive food preservation information. This article describes how diversifying program portfolios by offering online and classroom options provides choice for the learner and Extension staff.
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Recommended Citation
Driessen, S. (2013). Food Preservation Mini-Modules Offer Options for Learners and Extension Staff. The Journal of Extension, 51(6), Article 17. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.06.17