Senior cohousing, a type of cohousing that focuses on adults age 55 or older, is recent information to Extension educators. The study reported here examined the development of senior cohousing in a rural community. The programming stage of the development of a rural senior cohousing located in a town in the Midwest was observed for the study. The six components of senior cohousing: Participatory Process; Deliberate Neighborhood Design; Extensive Common Facilities; Complete Resident Management; Non-Hierarchal Structure; and Separate Income Sources (Durrett, 2009) were observed. Introducing senior cohousing to Extension educators may help them to present housing options for older adults.
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Recommended Citation
Lyon, M., Kang, M., & Kramp, J. (2013). Case Study of Senior Cohousing Development in a Rural Community. The Journal of Extension, 51(6), Article 20. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.06.20