The study reported here provided a descriptive report on cowboy churches, while identifying the potential for Extension-cowboy church collaborations and examining the direct implications to Extension. The diffusion of innovations conceptualized the qualitative study. Semi-structured, face-to-face and phone interviews were conducted with 10 adults from cowboy churches. Findings revealed relative advantages for Extension-cowboy church collaborations, areas of compatibility, and ample opportunities for trialibility. Disseminating nutrition, animal science, and youth development information to cowboy church members may establish a relationship between the two groups. Extension could gain positive advocates in local communities through educating and establishing relationships with cowboy church members.
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Recommended Citation
Williams, K., Strong, R., & Lockett, L. (2013). Expanding Cooperative Extension's Audience: Establishing a Relationship with Cowboy Church Members. The Journal of Extension, 51(6), Article 24. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.06.24