Home irrigation users are a relatively under-researched target audience for Extension, yet they are major consumers of water. To promote water conservation practices, Extension professionals need to understand key aspects of this group. For example, the home irrigation user participants in the study described here perceive water to be extremely important. They engage in water conservation by following water restrictions, are interested in irrigation technologies that save water, desire home and garden landscaping ideas, and prefer to get water conservation information from websites. However, their interaction with Extension is somewhat limited. To more effectively engage with this audience, Extension should provide relevant water conservation information on well-branded websites.
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Recommended Citation
Ali, A. D., & Warner, L. A. (2017). Characteristics of Home Irrigation Users: Implications for Encouraging Landscape Water Conservation in the United States. The Journal of Extension, 55(5), Article 7. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.55.05.07